室內空間其中的一個優點是街區式的徒步區。 開發商提供了大量的步行空間,已經證明沒有討價還價的餘地。 除非有特別的吸引人的景點,否則即使在寒冷多雨的天氣,人們也並不喜歡空無一物的走道空間。 有些什麼事情發生的空間會使步行功能會大大改善,活動提升走道空間的趣味。
Through-block Circulation in Indoor Spaces
One benefit of an indoor space is the through-block circulation it can provide for pedestrians. Developers provided a lot of walking space and it had proved no bargain. Unless there are attractions within, people don’t use walkways very much, even in cold and rainy weather. The walk-through function of a space improves greatly if something is going on within it. Just seeing activity makes a walk way more interesting.