Sitting Depth and Height
Many architect do not think of the depth of the banks. Rarely you will find a bench where you can sit to two sides. 30 to 36 inches (1 inch = 2.54 cm) is the best depth for people to sit comfortably. When it’s smaller, it becomes awkward and uncomfortable and you will see the people lean forward.
With a few additional inches of depth builders can double the amount of sitting space. This means not that it will double the amount of people. The advantage of extra space is the social comfort. People get more choices to sit.
The best sitting height for a bench varies between 1 and 3 foot (1 foot = 30.48 cm).
- 如果是站在管理者的角度,寬敞的座位平面很適合躺下,反而會招來遊民常駐,因此我們常看見公園裡適合躺下的平面被加了橫桿,便是由此而來。
不知道Pokemon Go 的風潮,會不會讓大量湧至公共空間決鬥的玩家們對公園的環境有新的體會呢?(當然,不久以後也許會有討厭玩家的管理者故意設置路障,讓低頭看手機的人跌倒)