懷特與團隊的第一支縮時攝影紀錄,是關於Segram’s Plaza上日光照射的觀察。他們發現,在溫帶的紐約,人們在廣場聚集的位置總是跟著日光走:有光處有人。這個關聯只在六月不成立,夏日陽光照耀的時間夠長也夠暖,但還不到熱,不管是不是坐在陽光下都舒服。
Access to the Sun
The first time-laps record that Whyte and his team made, was of the sun passing across Segram’s Plaza. This showed that people followed the sunlight. Where the sun was, they sat: where there was none, they didn’t. In June this correlation vanished. The sun still moved; the people didn’t. While midday temperatures hadn’t risen a great deal, the extra warmth was enough to make the sun no longer a critical factor.
‘What simple figures don’t measure is the quality of the experience, which can be much greater when there is sun’.